2023 Piano Ladies NoLa Conference Attendee testimonials

“For me the most insane value is in TIME. I got DMs from agents during and after the Facebook livestream.  Just Piano Ladies setting up and running this showcase on their platform got me immediate offers. I didn't even have to send one email. I am blown away. Our collective power is huge.” - Carolyn Malfa, Piano Ladies Member 


The value of what we were provided at this conference is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Five minutes ago, I received a lead on a job for one song. This new business relationship could result in thousands of dollars of work...and I have that demo material because I was at the conference.” - Genesis Lorraine, Piano Ladies Member

“Someone once told me there are two types of people.  1: There’s only one pie with 8 pieces. (competitive and limited)  2: There’s unlimited pie and unlimited pieces. (collaborative and unlimited).  We all rise together. - Susan Erwin Prowse, Piano Ladies Founder & Organizer